Sunday, March 8, 2009

I have an idea.

First off I would like to say that Scott and I had so much fun with Shed and his family this past weekend! Thanks for finally coming up you guys! Rliez is an AMAZING snowboarder!We both really miss seeing you more often, and we miss seeing the rest of our brothers ,and their families, who live in the town we drive through every weekend and never see. So we have come up with an idea to see every one and do something fun. It seems that everyone is getting into running, and I wnat in! I propose that we meet every Saturday evening around 6ish in someone's neighborhood, and go walking together. I mean everyone;Andy, Amber, babies, Tim, Brenda, baby, Amy, baby, Sherod, Emily, Boys,and Sambo. I claim Jesse. What do you guys think? We are coming up to the reunion, then down to Women's Conference! I miss my sissys! We love you all, and hope all is well.

P.S. Scott blessed the sacrament for the first time today and got it perfectly! He also finished his last sesion with an A+...sorry, I like to brag ;).


Emily said...

Yay! A Molly post! I wish I could participate in the family walk/run!
I'm looking forward to our girls weekend. Tell Scott congrats on not messing up the sacrament. He's a stud. Love you!

Memzy said...

Saweet! We'd love to participate. Just let us know when it's gonna happen. We LURVED hanging out up there yesterday. Riley especially can't stop talking about it.

ShelBailey said...

Meg thinks it's SO cool that Scott teaches snowboarding.

I'm proud of you guys for all KINDS of reasons! Congrats to Scott on his ordination, that's very cool. We're sorry we missed it, but not sorry we made a quick exit and didn't catch the nasty flu! We love you time you're up to Big Sur, give us a call.

Anna B said...

Did I just hear you say your coming up to the Idaho reunion??? Awesome!! Do you think Scott would take the boys snowboarding while we are at Women's Conf? Can't wait to see you and give Scott my congrats on everything.

ManicMandee said...

You have every right to brag about Scott. I brag about him too to people.

I think your idea is great. I would love to be there for that.
Can't wait to see you next month!

KunaBoy said...

Count Mom, Grandma, Me and the dogs in on the Saturday night walks. We have actually been walking with our dogs often since the weather has warmed up.

Elizabeth Bailey Waite said...

I think we should go to the River Walk park. Can't wait (even though we were not specifically named, I assume it was an over sight.)